Dewsbury Forward

Dewsbury Forward is a cooperation between the Chamber of Trade and all other groups and stakeholders in Dewsbury who are prepared to commit themselves to making change for the better in Dewsbury.

The Chamber of Trade represents all businesses in the town whether retail, service industry or manufacturing and is the core of Dewsbury Forward.  The businesses need the people of the town either as customers, workers or both and vice versa. We are all interdependent and the quality of the life we make depends on us supporting each other.

In addition, Dewsbury Forward brings together all the interested parties, not only the businesses who work here, but also the Council, the Police and many constituted community groups and other agencies big and small, they all count. 

Our purpose to agree common objectives with a commitment to work together for the benefit of the town by improving:

  • the buildings and infrastructure of the town.  'If we can see it then it should be worth looking at'.
  • the success of businesses and community groups working in the town
  • check
    the quality of all aspects of life in Dewsbury.
  • the generation of a vibrant, community atmosphere that makes Dewsbury a great place to live.

Dewsbury Forward has no politics and only one purpose: the successful regeneration of a great town with high standards in every aspect of life. 

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